Oxford Recovery Therapies anxiety management provides clients with a direct experience of stress release. Each session is designed around the specific needs of the client, combining physical therapy and discussion, with a personal plan for managing anxiety as it arises in everyday life.

Sessions include:

  • Cranio sacral therapy (deep, supported relaxation)
  • Mindfulness and yoga practices
  • Anxiety management counselling

For those suffering from chronic anxiety, depression and the effects of trauma, fearfulness can become habitual and accepted as the norm. One-to-one sessions offer a direct experience of anxiety reduction, providing tools that develop client confidence and integrate stress relief into everyday life. This is a powerful way to diminish the physiological effects of anxiety so that new, positive patterns can emerge.

Sessions are typically run once a week, for an hour, over a period of 7-12 weeks.

What Oxford Recovery Therapies clients say about our Anxiety Management

“In the past I was often so anxious I was unable to sit in a room with other people, let alone talk and share. After the sessions I felt so much better I found I could be in a group. I started to share and open up”

“It helped me to share some deep secrets. I realised that holding on to this stuff wasn’t helpful”

“That was amazing. Where did the anxiety go? I am the most relaxed I have ever felt”

“Anxiety Management taught me that I can be OK. Things do change, in the past I used to hold my breath and panic. Now I have learned to pause and breath, instead of reacting immediately and picking up”

“The sessions offered a sensitive and supportive approach which made me comfortable and allowed me to accept who I am”

“The sessions have helped me get in touch with what is going on in my nervous system and my body, and enabled me to talk to others about life problems and how they effect me. I have learned to deal with conflicts that in the past would have triggered addictive behaviour. I am grateful that this has helped me more towards a more balanced life”